Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Childfree and Minimalist 3

I remember I bought the Gucci bag for the first time in 2010.
It was not because it was nice or I liked it.
I knew it was not worth its price at all.
I might have bought the bag to enhance my image in a stupid way that showing people what I have.  I guess I wanted to seem a high social status.
That' s very shameful even to recall.

Back then, It was getting popular to have luxury bag in Korea.
It wasn't difficult to see  women with a high-end designer  bag in the street.
I totally followed the trend without any critical thinking.
Now it became a kind of tradition to get a luxury bag as a wedding gift from bride groom or parents-in-laws.
By the time I got married, there was no such a thing.

I envied people who had not only  expensive bags but cars, houses.
I felt I was poor. I wanted to be rich enough to buy that expensive stuff.
I bought a couple of more bags for the same reason. ( They are on the second- hand market now )

Since I got to know the minimalism, I've realized how stupid I was and regretted I gave bad impacts on the environment by purchasing too many stuff which can not be recycled  or take hundred years to decompose.

Now I realized that I cannot help getting caught in the state of inferiority complex (lack of self-esteem) unless I stop getting obsessed with  material possession.
I should find other virtues, my own virtues cannot be compared with other people.

I have thought of peace, caring people, patience, loving the earth, contribution, sympathy, justice, morality.. etc  by now.

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